Power of Attorney

As a result of ill­ness, old age, or an acci­dent, you may no longer be able to reg­u­late your finan­cial or per­son­al affairs yourself.

In such sit­u­a­tions, your next rel­a­tives and your spouse or life part­ner may not auto­mat­i­cal­ly act and make deci­sions for you. It is there­fore advis­able to take pre­cau­tions for such cas­es. In this way, the appoint­ment of a guardian by the court can be avoid­ed.
As a notary, I will be hap­py to pre­pare a pow­er of attor­ney for you in such emer­gen­cies, tai­lored to your spe­cif­ic indi­vid­ual case. A notar­i­al pow­er of attor­ney can be reg­is­tered in the Zen­trale Vor­sorg­ereg­is­ter so that the pow­er of attor­ney can be found in an emergency.

The main items of regulation of a general power of attorney are:

  • pow­er of attor­ney in pro­pri­etary matters,

  • pow­er of attor­ney in per­son­al matters,

  • care direc­tive and

  • liv­ing will.